Monday 10 February 2014

3D Crystals

For my second model I made some crystals. This was a lot easier and quicker to make because it was more simple. I started with a capsule. I then changed the rotation segments, I changed the cap segment to 1 so that it had a point at the end and changed the height segments to make it longer.
I then converted it into a polygon object so I could use the knife tool to cut random sections of the crystal to make it look more like a real crystal so when I put a material over the top of the crystal it looked more like frosted glass. I then copied and pasted the same shape and positioned them so that it looked like a cluster of crystals. I then added the material and lights so that you could see the crystals more clearly.

Here is the finished product.

Link's shield from Zelda

For one my final 3d models I decided to make a shield. To make the shield, I used a template which was an image of the character Link's Hylian Shield.
Here is the image I used as the template for the shield. I got the image off of google images.
When I had the image. I imported it into cinema 4d. I viewed it in the front view and made the image slightly transparent so I could see the outlines more clearly so that it would make it a lot easier for me to put a spline around it to get the shape.

 Here if the finished spline I made using the bezier tool. To make this spline, I went around half of the image and used the symmetry tool and put the spline inside of the tool which mirrored half of the spline that I did. You can see clearly the outline of the image. This spline is viewed in 3D mode.
In order to make the shield 3D, I had to extrude my spline. However, it did not work with the design and it was hard to get the outline of the shield and the inside of the shield extruded so I extruded it to make it look like more of a traditional shied with the outline raised so that it didn't look flat. 

For this part of the shield I extruded all of the inside parts. Again, I extruded half of the shield and used the symmetry tool so that it would mirror what I have done. I then looked at the materials and used the closest materials I could find to match the hylian shield colours.  
Here is the finished shield. I am very happy with how it turned out. Although I am going to change the materials for some better more realistic materials for the shield. I am also going to add lights and rotate the shield so it looks a lot better than just a full on shot. 

Thursday 6 February 2014

Making a Tap

To begin making a tap, I started off with a cube.
I had to change the side of the cube to make the base of the tap. Using the settings I changed the width of the cube to 1000m, changed the width segments to 8, changed the height of the cube to 20m, the segments to 1, and the depth of the cube to 300m with a segment of 3.

 After this, I put the object into polygon mode and changed into live mode to select. I selected the middle 4 segments of the object and began to extrude them by using the extrude tool. 

Every time I extruded the shape more I changed the rotation of it and extruded it until I got the basic shape of the tap.

I rotated the object again and extruded it to make the tap shape.
Using the live mode tool I selected the bottom two segments and extruded up into the shape so that the tap was hollow.

 I then used hypernurbs to smooth out the sharp edges and so it looked more like a tap.
To make the tap handles I created a new object and started again by using a cube and extruding it to make the shape.

I then used the hypernurbs tool to make it look smoother.

 I copied my tap into my main object and placed it in the space next to the faucet.
 I copied the tap again to the other side of the faucet.
 Here is the finished tap.
Here is the tap rendered.

Batman Logo

For my first practice model I am going to make the batman logo. To do this I am going to firstly get an image of the batman logo and upload the image into cinema 4D into the front perspective.

 I then changed the transparency of the image so I could see it a lot clearer. 
I then go to make a spline using the bezier tool and outline the batman logo. Once I outlined half of the logo, I made sure the spline lined up exactly with the logo. I then dropped the spline into symmetry so that it completed the rest of the logo for me and it was exactly symmetrical. 

To make the spline 3D, I extruded the spline using extrude nurbs. I then textured it. 


Wine Glass

For this next activity I had to make a wine glass. Firstly, I got an image of a wine glass that I wanted to make then I uploaded the image into the front perspective so that I could put a spline onto it. I then lowered the image transparency so that I could clearly see what I was doing. With the bezier tool, I started in the middle of the wine glass, made my first point and curved it so it mimicked the same shape as the wine glass. To make the curve I had to press shift while moving one of the stems of the point so that it was more accurate. 
When I had done that, I went back into the perspective view mode (which views it in 3D). I put the object into hypernurbs mode and used a lathe tool to make it look rounded and more like a wine glass. When this was done I then browsed the materials to texture the object so that I would look more like a wine glass. 
Here is the finished wine glass.

Here is the finished wine glass rendered with textures.

Wednesday 5 February 2014

Modelling a pillar in cinema 4D

In this task I had to make a pillar using cinema 4D. in this I used primitive objects, spline objects and extrusion methods.

Firstly I created a cube. I then in the attributes/objects palette I applied settings to the cube to made the size and radius of the cube look like a reasonable sized base of a pillar. I then created a duplicate cube to help make the base of the pillar look more like a pillar. To make sure they weren't the same size cube, I changed the object properties with different settings to make the base of the pillar so it looked like they were stacked.
After I made the base of the pillar I had to make rest of it so I then used the cogwheel tool. I laid it flat onto where I wanted it to be then I changed the object properties so it could fit the base of the pillar. I changed the inner radius to 57m, then the middle radius to 58m, and the outer radius to 60m. When I had done this, I had to stretch the cogwheel shape into the shape of the pillar. To do this, I had to extrude the object then put a hyer nurbs onto it. When I had done this, I copied and pasted the first two boxes I had made for the base and positioned the up the Y axis to the top of the pillar to finish it off.                                                             When I had finished making the pillar, I put a marble-like material over it and added a sky background.                            This is the finished product.